Made for Communion
A Parish Mission - Inspired by the life and teaching of St. Benedict.
March 7th, 8th & 9th
Made for Communion:
A Parish Mission Inspired by the life and teaching of St. Benedict
In today’s world, we are facing what many call a “loneliness epidemic.” Despite living in a digital age that promises connection, we often find ourselves more disconnected than ever. Yet, you were not created for loneliness—you were made for communion and relationships. You were made for love!
Join us for a transformative parish mission, March 7-9th, inspired by the life and teaching of St. Benedict and led by Fr. Boniface Hicks, O.S.B., and Kristin Molitor from the Institute for Ministry Formation. Experience the joy of being truly known and loved by God, and be empowered to share that love with others. Together, we will journey into the dynamics of the heart—deepening our communion with God through prayer and with one another through authentic relationships. We’ll explore St. Benedict’s teachings on prayer, relationships, community, and spiritual accompaniment, discovering how these principles can lead us into deeper communion with God and those around us.
7pm - The Basket and the Cross: Receiving the transformational love of God in prayer and relationship.
Please note that while each session can be attended individually, you will experience greater spiritual benefits by participating in multiple sessions.
3:30pm - Teen & Young Adult Snack & Chat: an informal discussion with Fr. Boniface
5pm - Mass
6pm - Social Gathering & Meal
7pm - From Cave to Community: Deepen your relationship with God by learning to share your heart with others
7:40 - Eucharistic Adoration
10:30am - Mass
11:30am - Light Breakfast
12pm - The Ear of the Heart: Spiritual accompaniment as a way to share the love of Christ with others.

Mission Schedule
Fr. Boniface Hicks O.S.B
Father Boniface Hicks, O.S.B., has been a monk of Saint Vincent Archabbey since 1998. He is a Catholic priest and serves as both the Director of Spiritual Formation and Director of the Institute for Ministry Formation at Saint Vincent Seminary. He also serves as Program Director for WAOB (We Are One Body) radio station, Latrobe. Father Boniface authored the book Through the Heart of St. Joseph, and co-authored, along with Father Thomas Acklin, O.S.B., Spiritual Direction: A Guide for Sharing the Father’s Love, and Personal Prayer: A Guide for Receiving the Father’s Love. His most recent books are The Fruit of her Womb and The Hidden Power of Silence in the Mass: A Guide for Encountering Christ in the Liturgy. He is a sought-after retreat master and spiritual director, traveling throughout the United States, and as far as Beijing, China, in his work.

Kristin Molitor serves as assistant program manager for the Institute for Ministry formation where she specializes in parish formation and outreach. Kristin holds a bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications and Journalism from Franciscan University and a graduate certification in Spiritual Theology from the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation.
Kristin has an extensive ministry background in both diocesan and parish settings that includes work in marriage preparation, women’s ministry, evangelization, spiritual formation, and spiritual accompaniment.
It is Kristin’s greatest joy to help the lay faithful discover the truth of who they are in Christ and equip and empower them to carry out their unique and unrepeatable role in God’s kingdom.