Grades 1-7 Program
We will soon be starting our 2018-2019 Parish Religious Education Program (P.R.E.P.) this year. As Always, we will have our opening Youth Mass on September 17, 2017 @ 10:30 AM. Please check the calendar or our bulletin for the full schedule. As parents, you have the most important role in the religious formation of your children. Through prayer and faith sharing at home and weekly attendance at Mass, you provide them with a strong foundation in the faith. We will be having a presentation to parents on the first day of class at 9:15 AM in the church. In our busy lives, it is important to take time to provide for our children the best religious formation we can. We would ask that at least one parent attend this important presentation.
Please review the schedule of classes. It is very important for your student not to miss a class. If a class is missed, please look in the mailboxes located outside my office. There should be a paper in each grades’ mailbox outlining what was covered during the class. Please have your child make up the work before the next class. Please note there are scheduled Youth Masses during the 10:30 AM Mass and the Youth Nativity Mass at the 6:00 PM Mass on Christmas Eve. Although our Youth Masses are not mandatory, they are still part of our curriculum and we strongly encourage attendance.
Tuition for the school year will be $50.00 IF you register by August 5, 2018. It will be $50.00 for one child and $70.00 for a family; registrations AFTER August 5, 2018 will incur a $10 late fee For our students in the sacramental classes (2nd or 8th grade), there is an additional $25.00 fee. Tuition is waived for teachers and teacher helpers. Registration forms are due on or before the 10th of August. You can complete it online. Please submit tuition payments – made payable to St. Francis de Sales – by the first class. If you need to make arrangements for payment, please contact the office.
Every year during a class in September, we implement the Children and Adolescents Protection Program (CAPP). Please understand that all students participate in this phase of Protecting God’s Children unless otherwise indicated on the registration form. If your child should be absent on this date, a make-up session will be available.
Parents of 1st through 4th grade students please park in a space and walk your child to their classrooms. Parents of 5th through 7th grade students may drop off their students at the entrance. For pick up of all students, parents must park in a space and pick up your child from inside the building. Thank you for your cooperation and concern for the safety of the children.
If you have any questions, concerns, or advice, please feel free to email me. Also, I do send bi-weekly updates and snow closings via email. Thank You!