The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated during Mass or on Sundays after the 10:30 Mass. Parents are asked to contact the parish office via phone 610-693-5851 or email to arrange a time for preparation and to schedule the baptism. You must be a registered parishioner for 3 months before the ceremony. Please have the chosen Godparent(s) submit the eligibility form to the office 2 weeks prior to the ceremony.
Eucharist and Confirmation
Each child must have received a full year of religious education at St. Francis prior to beginning the sacramental preparation classes. Please contact Alison Snyder at the office via phone 610-693-5851 or email.
In order that the requirements for marriage preparation may be fulfilled, couples are to contact the parish office at least six months before the desired wedding date via phone 610-693-5851 or email.
Spiritual Care of the Sick
Please contact the office via phone 610-693-5851 or email when a parish member has been admitted to the hospital or has become home bound. Upon request, the Sacrament of Anointing will be celebrated and Holy Communion will be brought monthly.